2006-Mar-04: MCLC Masters Team in Vail& &
Please pass this message along to your teams or players 33 and up regarding an MCLC Masters Team in Vail. I am slated to coordinate and put the team together (Jakobi was contacted for the slot) Please let him know your interest and I will most likely be the point of contact from here on.
IF we get the 33 and up players from the league out there - I think we have a good chance of doing well - let's get a good run at it this year.
Dan Fisher
Cincinnati LC
Message Below from Jakobi:
Please see the note below from the Vail Tournament Director's office. I will be playing in the Super Masters Division, ages 40 and up, during the time the Masters division plays. I would be willing to do all the organization, etc., for a Masters team if I can get enough guys from the MCLC to field one. Please respond back to me if you are SERIOUSLY interested in playing in Vail this year, and are of Masters Age or will be at least 33 some time this calendar year. Send me your NAME/CLUB NAME/AGE/POSITION/ for now. I would like to get at least 16-18 guys who are serious about going to Vail to play in this division. I can arrange discounts on lodging, etc. through my Vail contacts. Per Player fee for this division would be about $75. Play Dates are June 24-27. (4 days this year).
Mike Jakobi