2007-Apr-13: NOW FORMING: Combined Ohio-Kentucky Team for Las Vegas Lacrosse Tournament
Some of the Louisville guys are putting together a "Dirty South" regional team to go to the Las Vegas Lacrosse Tournament. We sent a team 2 years ago and had a good time.
The dates are Lax Vegas 2007 is Sept 21-23rd. If you could, please send out an e-mail to players from your area and have them contact Adam Tatum if they are interested. I'm copying him on this so you will have his e-mail.
Hope to see you guys some this season,
Tom Windham, Louisville Mens Lacrosse Club
To Join The Team Contact: Adam Tatum atatumding@dongappriss.com (remove the 'ding' and 'dong' from the email address as it is only there to confound spambots)