Gentlemen, (from Bill Kalbfleish, MCLC Chairman, to MCLC team presidents -- and all you other folks) Please read carefully all of the following. I will be as brief as possible. We are growing to a considerable size, and I will point you to who need to discuss each of the topics if you have questions or issues. Please do not use this email address to contact me. I will send a new one next week. 2007 Master Schedule This was difficult this year, because we have grown to 20 teams, 10 in each division. It is almost impossible to schedule all games unless we double up on dates and fields. This is a "stake in the ground" reference point for games. The games listed in bold print are the priority in division games against full members. They must be played.You have the latitude to change any dates, and/or locations, provided both teams involved in the game can agree with the change. This is not meaning to bump games to accommodate one team. You have until March 15, 2007 to make changes, mutually agreed upon, and submitted back to the MCLC. After that, you will need MCLC Executive Committee approval and a reason for the change after that date. You will notice some games between divisions I placed in the schedule that are recommendations. The teams will need to agree to do this. Most are return trips, or games previously discussed. DO NOT contact me about this reference schedule. Work directly with the team contacts that will be updated by February 7, 2007 (please see below.) There might be some errors or conflicts inadvertently listed. We will work through these. A few team do not have many home games, but your trips are very short in distance. Again, some of the games could be moved to your location. 2007 Dues Please contact Drew Roggenburk regarding payment of the dues. Drew is very good and very thorough. His email is The deadline to have MCLC dues paid is April 15, 2007. This is the same as IRS, so it should be easy to remember. Drew, please let them know the rates for members and non-members. 2007 Rosters Please compile a roster of your players. This should include the following: Player name Position College or University (this should be the last college or university played at) The deadline is have the roster to sent to the MCLC is March 30, 2007. Please forward a copy of the roster to Remember you cannot play any player in an MCLC game that has played for any other high school, college or university club or intercollegiate team, or other adult city club team during 2007. Any exceptions will be approved and reviewed by the MCLC Executive Committee prior to their participation. It is rare this had ever been granted. Violations will mean expulsion from the MCLC. 2007 League Directory Please go into the MCLC Directory at Midwest Lacrosse and update the contact names, phone numbers and email addresses. You can do this by contacting Ken Levenberg at Please complete this by February 9, 2007 so that teams will know who to contact. Professional Player eligibility We will follow the rule being implemented by all the east coast amateur leagues since 2006. A player can be on your roster, and participate in any or all games, until they officially dress for a regular season MLL game. Once they dress for a game (even if they don't touch the field in the that game), they are immediately ineligible to play for the remainder of the season, through the playoffs (June 10, 2007) for any MCLC team. This means if a player makes a MLL team roster, but is on the practice squad only, then they are still eligible. This is the rule. This is not up for debate. The NLL Indoor players are not impacted by this, other than if they choose to try out for an MLL (outdoor) team. MCLC Tournament The tournament will be in Minneapolis June 9-10. I expect the teams up there to share the responsibility. I would recommend they appoint people to contact Dan Fisher and Drew Roggenburk and ask them about how this can be done. Drew can tell you the funds the MCLC supplies, the rest must be raised by the local teams hosting the tournament. Discuss this with Drew. MCLC Tournament Team eligibility and qualifications There will be the standard 8 teams making the playoffs (4 top seeds from each of the two divisions). We plan to add up to 12 teams, meaning that 4 teams will be selected "at large" by the MCLC Executive Committee. These teams will be selected from the full members first, and then from affiliate teams.The Executive Committee will meet on a conference call in March and determine the metrics by which to do this.We expect that strength of schedule, results among the affiliate teams playing each other, and willingness to travel to Minneapolis will be among the criteria. This is the status of each team: (full members are in bold print, affiliate members are in non-bold print) Eastern Division: Cleveland Columbus Cincinnati Mt. Adams Motor City Great Lakes Canton Lansing Pittsburgh Toledo Western Division: Chicago Windy City Lincoln Park North Side Minnesota Lakers Minneapolis West Side Chi-Town Minnesota North Stars Indiana |