2007-Jul-28: Chicago "Shoot-Out" Mens Club Lacrosse Tournament Tenatively Scheduled for 9/15-16 or 9/22-23
To Midwest Lacrosse Clubs, (midwestlacrosseDING@DONGyahoo.com -remove the ding and dong to get the real email address)
Right now the [Men's Club Lacrosse] Chicago Shoot-Out is still being organized by Rich DeLeo . . . I've spoken to Rich this week while we try to help him with logistics issues for the tourney. Most likely a Chicago Shootout will be either 9/15-16 or 9/22-23 and when I get final word from Rich I will email the list with that information ASAP.
Next year the Windy City club will be co-sponsoring or taking the lead on this tournament, fields and dates will be confirmed 6 months in advance, and since our team includes the director of the Chicago bar and restaurant association, I'm confident there will also be a damn fine tournament party.
Pat Doerr Windy City Lacrosse Club patDING@DONGhootranch.com (remove the ding and dong to get the real email address)