(REMOVE THE DING AND DONG TO SEE THE REAL ADDRESS) From: Jason Figaniak jfiganiak01DING@D0NGyahoo.com Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2008 4:20 PM Subject: Maker's Mark 5th Annual Derby City Lacrosse Tournament Here is the info for the tournament. Please forward this to as many team contacts that you can. 5TH ANNUAL DERBY CITY LACROSSE TOURNAMENT PRESENTED BY MAKER'S MARK LACROSSE CLUB OCTOBER 18-19, 2008 LOUISVILLE, KY Costs - Total Tournament Fees $650 - $100 Deposit due postmarked by Sept. 19 - Tournament fee increases $50 for deposits sent after Sept. 19th - $100 Given back to teams that show up for games on Sunday - Tournament capped at 12 teams - first come first served based on deposit checks - If remaining balance is not received by Oct. 3rd Your teams spot will no longer be held and will be reopened for other teams. - Send checks made payable to: Louisville Men's Lacrosse 5901 Bannon Crossings Dr. Louisville, KY 40228 Please include team name and contact person and info with check. Field and Games - E.P Tom Sawyer State Park - Mapquest : 3000 Freys Hill Rd Louisville, KY 40241 - Guaranteed 4 games (3 Saturday, 1 on Sunday) - Championship teams play 2 games Sunday Perks - Trophies awarded to top teams - Free Saturday night party at a location TBA hosted by MAKER'S MARK MEN'S LACROSSE Hotel information with special deals will be sent out as soon as it becomes available. Contact Info REMOVE THE 000 TO SEE THE REAL PHONE Jason Figaniak (502) 594-000-0723 Jfiganiak01@yahoo.com |